K Aravind,9th sem,roll number 55

 This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio.

CHEIF complaints;
40 yr old male patient who is daily wage labourer by occupation came to OPD with

of pain abdomen since 5 days associated with fever since 2 days .

History of presenting illness;

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days ago then he developed pain which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive which is diffuse , squeezing type and radiating to back .
Pain is relieved on medication .
No C/O of vomitings , loose stools , burning micturition ,cough,cold , chest pain , SOB 

Past history;

N/K/C/O TB , hypertension, diabetes, Asthma, epilepsy , CAD, thyroid disorders .

Personal history;
Diet - mixed 
Appetite- normal
Bowel and bladder -regular
Sleep - adequate
Addictions - regular alcohol intake of 250 ml per day since 20 yrs .
No food allergies and drug allergies

General examination 

Pallor - yes 
Edema -absent 
Clubbing - absent 
Lymphadenopathy - absent 
Icterus - absent 

Vitals - 

Temperature - 100.1F
Spo2- 98%
PR- 100/min
 Systemic examination;
Per abdomen examination;
Patient exposed from nipple to mid thigh and examined in supine position 


Shape:Distended flanks full 

Umbilicus:inverted,vertically drawn down

Skin over the abdomen is shiny

No visible peristalsis,


On superficial Palpation 

All inspectory findings are confirmed 


,diffuse all quadrants

No Rebound tenderness 

No guarding,rigidity


Shifting dullness absent 

fluid thrill absent 

Liver span-12cm

Percussion of spleen : dullness in 9th inter coastal space of anterior axillary line 


Bowel sounds+

No arterial bruit,

Respiratory examination;


Shape of chest:Bilaterally symmetrical,Elliptical in shape

No visible chest deformities

Abdomino thoracic respiration,No irregular respiration

No tracheal shift

No dropping of shoulders, on both sides,no sinuses,scars,engorged veins

:inspectory findings confirmed by Palpation 

Chest movements -normal


Resonant note heard over all areas 


Norma vesicular breath sounds

, breath sounds normal 

Cvs examination 

Inspection:precordium normal,apex beat :5th ICS half inch medial to mid clavicular line

Palpation:inspectory findings confirmed,No thrills or parasternal heave

Auscultation: S1S2+,no murmurs

CNS examination 
patient is arousable 

No signs of meningitis 

cranial nerves intact,motor and sensory examination normal

No cerebellar or meningeal signs

Knee 3+. 3+

Reflexes Rt. Lt 
Biceps 3+. 3+
Triceps 3+. 3+
Supinator 2+. 2+
Knee 3+. 3+

              Right. Left 
UL. 2/5. 3/5
LL. 2/5. 3/5

Provional diagnosis;

 Acute pancreatitis ( non necrotizing type) peripancreatic fluid collection.

1 .IV fluids 125ml/hr 
2.injec.zoffer 4 mg IV
3.inj Tramadol 1 ampoul in 100ml NS
4.inj piptaz 4 to 5 mg 
5. Inj pan 40 mg IV
6.inj neomol 1gm IV


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