Genaral medicine assignment

k Aravindh, roll no55, 3rd semester mbbs. Question no .1:Please go through one student's entire answer paper from this link, the one who is closest to your own roll number : and share your peer review of each answer with your qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer. Answer: review to all questions answered, is short and simple but explained well. 2.In the review important data highlight ed well. the case of acute kindney injury on chronic kidney disease hyprertensive and urimic encephalopathy explaind well and simple to understand. 4.satisfactoty explanation on case investigation and treatment also well given to patient. 5.Each case explained well but little more information needed for every case. Question 3. *In the above case the patient suffering from acute kidney injury. *History taken and treatment also given well. *AKI with UTI explained very clearly and esaiy understandable. case-2: * This is a case of chronic kidney disese. *this is clear explanation of choric kidney disese .vitals, examination, history of present illness and pads illness taken well. case-3: *Above case is about chronoc kidney disease * The case very clearly explained.personal history and investigations are taken good. case-4: *This case is about diabetes with breathlessness. * investigations and examination are well explained. * preferred treatment also well. case-5: * This case is about AKl secondary to UTI on chronic kidney disese. * The case is explained very well.cheif complants and history taken well. case-6:: * This case is about renal AKI secondary to Urosepsis with hydrouteronephrosis with k/c of DM -2. *the case is very well explained with images.investigations also well. case-7:: * The patient of this case diagnosed with chronic renal failure. * The case exaplines very well.cheif complanits ,investigations and history taking is also well. case-8:: * This patient come to hospital with cheif complaints of pedal edema since 3 days . decreased urine output since 3 days and vomtings since 5 days ago. * This case explained very well with proper radiologiacl images. case- 9 *This case explained very well with clear reports and radiological images. case-10* * The patient with cheif complants of loose stools and abdominal distension. * In this case history taking is very and cheif complants also well. * this case is easy to understand. case-10:: * This case is about pancreatitis in chronic alchohol with acute kidney disease. * General examination is well and preferred treatment also well. Question no --4 case-1: problems list:lower abdomen pain. *low back ache after lifting weights *fever. * short ness of breath diagnosis:acute kidney disese treatment:ivf:RL@Uo+30ml/hr. salt restriction less than 2.4 gm /day inj tazar 4.5gm iv/ Ti inj pantop 40mg iv/od. case-2: diagnosis: hyperurecemia2 to renal failure Treatment: 1.ivfNs-09%@100ml / hr 2.inj.tazar 2.25gml.v-tid 3.inj.lasik 40 mg i.v bd. case-3::3 diagnosis: chronic intestitial nepthritis secondary to plasma cell dyscardiasis. treatment: Oral fluids upto 1.5 -2lit/day. T.pan 40 mg/po/od. T.zofer 4mg/po/sos. case:4 diagnosis: infective endocarditis and ki treatment: inj.piptaz inj hal lml in 39 ml ns. case-5: diagnosis: infective endocarditis. treatment:inj.monocef 1 gm iv/ bd. ptoctoclysis enema. inj pan40 mg iv /od. Question no.5 )I express my gratitude to the general medicine department in making me understand the cases and doing e-logs 2)It give me a great experience of taking history of patient. 3)Recently I did a patient elog to at first I failed to mention all the required information but my intern mam corrected me so that I try not to make the mistake again 4) have learned how to take history and data from a patient so as to communicate and diagnose the problem


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